Green Box and Green Week, our environmental conscience
In a world where time flies along the paths of consumerism, too often without looking, there are those who choose to stop, to breathe, and to listen. During this time when we are easily captivated by Black Friday discounts, Acqua dell'Elba invites you to make a different, careful and conscious choice with the Green Box, a precious box that contains a room diffuser and a 500 ml refill of a fragrance of your choice. Offered as a gift to all customers who make a purchase of at least 104 euros online, in single-brand stores and perfumeries in Italy, the Green Box is the symbol of a tangible commitment to promote the respect, care and love for a future where beauty and sustainability are harmoniously intertwined.
Find out the details and receive your complimentary Green Box
The Green Box initiative is not an isolated gesture, but part of a broader vision, which is expressed in full during Green Week, a time for shared reflections during our hectic lives. Now in its fourth edition, the Green Week dedicated to sustainability in all its forms is designed and supported by Acqua dell'Elba and the Acqua dell'Elba Foundation, a non-profit organisation created with the aim of making the island grow, along with its environmental, cultural, artistic, health and educational heritage.
Find out about all the Green Week initiatives here
Green Week and the Green Box, alongside many other initiatives which are often carried out in partnership the foundation, are the concrete expression of Acqua dell'Elba’s environmental conscience. In every step and every choice it makes, it seeks that precious balance between art of perfumery, responsibility and commitment to a more sustainable world.