The poetry of the Sea in a precious handicraft prepared for whom who want to donate simplicity, limpidity and beauty.
This is the Acqua dell' Elba gift: a unique gesture of beauty...for your beauty.
Creating the Acqua dell'Elba beauty is easy: choose your boxes which are available in 4 sizes:
• 19 x 19 h 6,5 cm (2 products - min. € 65,00)
• 23 x 23 h 8 cm (3 products - min. € 85,00)
• 28,5 x 28,5 h 10 cm (4 products - min. € 110,00)
• 30 x 30 h 11 cm (5 products - min. € 135,00)
Once you selected the box you prefer, click on the size and compose it with the products you desire: you will receive it at home or at the address you will indicate.