#COSEDAMARE: the scent of summer, wherever you may be.
The scent of summer is that of the sea, capable of conveying emotions and sensations which were sung by poets through the ages, before recently also being studied by scientists. Indeed, there are many studies according to which the sea is a veritable healing source for our bodies as well as our minds, stressed after so many difficult months: it seems immersing oneself in water gives our bodies a pleasant sensation of serenity which is connected to the beginning of our lives, when we were swimming in amniotic liquids, that the feeling of sun on one’s skin increases the production of vitamin D, and that the soft caress of the sand running through our fingers helps us maintain contact with time and reality.
However, it is not always possible to have the sea within reach, so in view of this summer 2020 we have decided to enclose its essence, as we always do in our products, in a line that contains all of the abovementioned characteristics. Bringing along all of the benefits and pleasant sensations of the sea to every place and moment of relax.
“Acqua”, or “water”, first of all, is represented by the Eau de Parfum for him and for her which carries its name and transparency, capable of offering the emotions usually found in an isolated cove exclusively dedicated to oneself.
After water, the sea, or “Mare”: in the most classical of Acqua dell’Elba’s home fragrances, the atmosphere of well-being felt during a beach holiday is experienced through notes of lemaon, rosemary, sea lily, marine algae, marine rockrose and woods of the Mediterranean Maquis.
Our beach towel will regenerate you with the soft fabric of its sponge, transmitting additional sensations of serenity and tranquillity through our traditional brand colouring, the same colour of uncontaminated waters.
Our solar care product line, with its wide range of protection factor levels throughout its Body and Face variants, represents valid protection against the damaging effects of sun rays, helping your body only absorb its benefits, while the after-sun lotion helps soften the skin after an entire afternoon spent tanning under the sun.
Lastly, our scrub (now available in various scents) uses the presence of sand micro-granules and coral dust (obtained by recycling old coral collected as a by-product of underwater maintenance operations aimed at helping younger coral breathe better) to enhance the “caress of the sea” feeling on your skin.
So, wherever you might be during this 2020 summer which is about to start, Acqua dell’Elba’s #COSEDAMARE (#THINGSFORTHESEA) will help you feel as if you were just in front of the waves, while you cultivate the feeling of well-being we all deserve.