Today, the next milestone along our path to the 1st of July webinar entitled “Sustainable Development: How Much Value Resides in Local Territories? A Shared Vision and Co-creation of Local Initiatives for Italy’s Relaunch” sees us dwelling upon the topic of time. How could it be otherwise, considering that the Visionary we have interviewed on your behalf is not only the President of the “Fondazione Isola d’Elba”, but also the founder of Locman, the watchmaking company which is also headquartered on the island?
To our question regarding how he sees the future of Isola d’Elba in 2035, Marco Mantovani replied: ‘My dream is that in 2035 Elba will be not only an insular reality, but also a political and administrative one, with its own strong autonomy and legal personality, so that it can authoritatively exchange with other external entities, asking and obtaining whatever the island’s population may require’.
The necessities of people inhabiting such a particular territory as an island, in fact, are scarcely understandable to those who don’t live there: for this reason, when we started to set sail towards #ELBA2035 together with Ernst & Young, we decided to involve many different stakeholders who share with us a strong bond with what all Elbans affectionately call “the Rock” (“Lo Scoglio”).
Among the necessities of the island and its inhabitants, Mantovani highlighted that ‘the development of our environment (must take place) with the love and safeguard provided by the same citizens of Elba who have a deep knowledge of their territory’.
A requirement which sometimes finds bureaucratic obstacles that need to be surmounted: ‘The administrative subdivision did not help: I believe there is huge growth potential in the development of cultural and environmental resources, as well as in their safeguard and their fruition.’
We shall thus “stay on course”! Keep following us to stay on our side as we discover the opinions of the other “Visionaries” who are working with us to draft the Manifesto for Sustainable Development of the Island of Elba, in view of the 1st of July webinar which will indeed represent a truly important moment for its achievement.