#CONILMARENELCUORE – Let’s help Isola d’Elba and Italy
The hashtag #CONILMARENELCUORE, with which you have had the chance to familiarise yourselves through our social channels in the past few days, has given its name to a more complete, structured operation through which Acqua dell’Elba intends to offer an immediate contribution towards the response to the Covid-19 emergency, both on Isola d’Elba itself as well as in the Italian regions where it is becoming most urgent.
‘We have always tried giving back to Isola d’Elba something of what it has given us in terms of inspiration and motivation,’ said Acqua dell’Elba President Fabio Murzi, “With the initiative #CONILMARENELCUORE we intend to continue doing so, also reaching out for the participation of everyone else who, like us, has in their heart the beauty and magic of Isola d’Elba.’
Indeed, as a first step, Acqua dell’Elba has donated to the hospital of Isola d’Elba its first bed for reanimation and intensive care: an important act, providing the hospital with vital equipment, which will remain useful for everybody even after the crisis has passed.
In parallel to this donation, Acqua dell’Elba has launched a fundraising effort on GoFundMe also entitled #CONILMARENELCUORE - Aiutiamo l'Isola d'Elba e l'Italia”, which aims to donate yet more reanimation and intensive care beds to the hospital of Isola d’Elba, in order to provide it with as much necessary medical equipment as possible. The fundraising initiative will also contribute to the national emergency, with a donation to the Italian government’s National Civil Protection Department that may reach up to a third of all donations, to support the areas of Italy which most need help. To donate, you can click here to visit our GoFundMe page.
Furthermore, until the 19th of April, Acqua dell’Elba will donate 50% of its proceeds deriving from sales of 500 ml Home Fragrance Diffusers. An initiative that may involve all of the friends of Isola d’Elba, on the island, in Italy and around the world: through the online purchase of any 500 ml Home Fragrance Diffuser – specially produced with the incision #CONILMARENELCUORE – you will therefore actively contribute to our fundraising efforts as well.
This initiative will be driven by a communication campaign, to involve everyone who loves Isola d’Elba and Italy in general, in the hope of finding unity through the values of solidarity and of sending a message of support and serenity. Even staying at home, but #CONILMARENELCUORE - #WITHTHESEAINOURHEARTS.