Something to Read in August: “Mare”, a short novel by Giulia Colombo
Colours, suggestions, evocations connected to colours and images…this is how Giulia Colombo, another friend from our Community, has chosen to describe the sea in answer to our requests for stories.
There you are. Deep, harmonious, incredibly alive, though calm and balanced in your emotions.
Blue. All tonalities of blue. Even those I didn’t know, nor I even thought existed.
Your constant motion, your constant search for yourself and your interior balance.
Majestic and untiring in your way of sensing and contrasting the continuous swing of your deepest world.
. . .
With you I never feel alone.
You are a friendly presence, inviting me not to escape from situations, but to learn how to accept them.
While I travel you teach me to dance, to feel wave after wave the Music that moves everything. Those notes asking me to be authentic, to look at my detachment and introversion.
Yours is an invitation to read my cautious expectance, my fears, my procrastination, my scarce ability to adapt to new circumstances easily.
You ask me to look at my grey and get in contact with it, without trying to delete or escape it any longer.
I bring words, printed. They are printed on me, black, apparently fragmented or unreadable.
They are a story, an origin, a message. Who knows, maybe an invitation.
They are impressed within me, familiar, seemingly known, though they are words which need time to be discovered, you need to refuse to surrender to the superficial conviction that just because they are written in black, they must already be clear and well-known.
. . .
Something troubles you, inviting you to dance, and you do so with me.
I look. It’s a vital vibration, great, pure and silent.
It’s the great hope of opening oneself to the future which creatively moves your waves and trustfully drives me towards my primordial journey.
The great cloud, serene, white and luminous, joyously blows the curls of a sweet and strong wind leading me in front of my freedom.
I look at the sky: it has a terse, clear azure colour.
He, your loyal and idealistic brother, extends beautiful as far as my gaze is allowed to wander, and beyond. Hermetical, with its presence it invites me to move harmoniously along the original line which separates you both, bringing me to reflect, confident in my abilities.
. . .
Above me, festive and extrovert arrives a kite. It moves fervidly happy in its progression and, yellow, it compels me to admire its many expectations for the future, its will to imagine which keeps it high in the sky, impervious to the fear of renewal in front of the sudden change of situation. Its trails are red, vital energies moving determinedly through the sky.
It smiles at me, inviting me not to leave any space for fears.
. . .
And I fill up with colours and confidence.
I inhale your warm, familiar scent, the energies dancing joyful and alive around me, around us.
I feel the light reinvigorating me and reinforcing my joints, showing me I’m not so weak after all.
It makes me gain consciousness of the fact I am alive and capable of enduring the movement of existence that I feel through your sweet, beautiful waves; that the written words I bear are from a page which belongs to me, that they not unreadable, but clear and simply to be chased and discovered throughout the time it takes to complete my journey with courage, little paper boat.
. . .
With the vaults of your waves my thoughts joyfully play, in your drops all the vitality of my dreams and desires.
There you are. Blue. All tonalities of blue. Even those I didn’t know, nor I even thought existed.